Thursday, December 9, 2010

One week to go...

One week to go till my birthday! And one week till they are going to cut my cast off, best birthday present ever!
In one week I will be able to start walking and that’s when the real rehabilitation begins.
And just one more week of DVT injections, oh I hate those so bad I’m bruised everywhere.
So my physio wanted to start prepping me by saying you should take it easy! Not wanting to go to fast. I agree and get why she is saying that, I’ve kind of a history with pushing my limits, it’s a good thing to push yourself so don’t get me wrong but with me the balance is a bit lost.

Today marks 12 weeks since I heard I needed surgery for my fractures, 12 weeks since I heard how bad my fractures where and 12 weeks since my leg got casted. Its 14 weeks and 2 days since I broke my ankle.
Twelve weeks ago was a bad day it felt like my world fell apart I was just getting ready for my first season back racing, this couldn’t be happening! Although I thought it was a pretty cool story, walking on a fractured ankle for 2 weeks, that sounds tough. Doctors where saying that it couldn’t be possible that I was walking and wasn’t in excruciating pain since I broke both my tibia and fibula, but I did.
It’s a cool story but I should never do something like that again!

So I fell, was down on the ground and thought ouch my leg is hurting, it was more like cramping then a big pain, so I thought I had just pulled a muscle.
And I got up, standing was no problem and by that point I was certain it couldn’t be broken.
The strange thing was that my leg was weaker than before, I’m usually able to push my boot in my ski, but how hard I tried it didn’t work. A coach from another team helped me and together with our hands we pushed my boot in. By that point my own coach had skied down to see if I was ok and I said I was. I skied down the hill at first like Bambi on the ice but by the time I was down I was confident again. Got in the chairlift with my coach and the moment I got lift off, when my ski and boot where hanging at my ankle, I got this big excruciating pain in my ankle, but I didn’t say a thing to the coach. He told me to go for at least 2 runs of free skiing and I did after that I got back in the gates for 3 more runs, well that didn’t go very good so I stopped a bit earlier a little before the others. Well getting the boot off wasn’t painless as you might imagine. After that I went to the room with Anna and while she was in the shower I took a good look at my ankle and it didn’t look good, it was swollen and even getting my socks off and on was painful. But I was sure it couldn’t be broken because I could still walk and with thinking it was just sprained I thought walking was good. When we walked back after diner Anna said I can see you are in a lot of pain, you are walking so slow, what’s wrong?
That night was bad I hardly slept because of the pain and I kept Anna awake most of the night, sorry for that, but she helped me with wet towels to cool it a bit.
So I really shouldn’t go train the next day that would have been the smartest decision, but I wanted to proof myself since it was my first summer training with the national team.
Well you might imagine how putting my boot on felt, it was pretty bad, but the pain went away pretty quick after that. My first run was again a Bambi on ice kind of run but after that I got my confidence back, even the chairlift didn’t hurt anymore. Looking back it was just like I had switched the pain off. Well in the gates I did ok but the coach said I could do much better it was like I missed some power. I don’t know how I did that but my last 2 runs where pretty good.
After the training I was walking a lot better than before and my walking got better and better over the next days.
A week after I broke my ankle I tried skiing again, but I had no control at all, so I decided not to train that night. Back inside I couldn’t get my boot off so I asked a father, who was just picking up his kid, to help, he pulled and I screamed it was that bad.
The next day I went to see the team physio and when she examined my ankle she knew something was wrong. I got a MRI scan a week later and the rest is history.

Now my ankle is almost healed again and I should work on my need to proof myself and learning how far I can push myself so I don’t reinjure myself, because injuries suck!

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