Since it is my rest day I got some time on my hands, medschool doesn't start for another 2 weeks so I don't have to study, yeah.
I decided to tune my ski's, I'll have 2 days of skitraining this week so I had to do it anyway.
These aren't my ski's to be honest, my old skifriend Geertje was so nice to loane me slalom ski's after she saw my old slalom ski's.
And they are OLD real old in ski terms, from the 2004-2005 season, they lost tension and didn't turn as easily anymore.
the salomon's are the old ones.

The 'new' ski's are great, I feel a lot of difference, they just want to turn and my line in the slalom improved a lot by just changing the ski's.
I use these ski's for my summer training, in the race season I'll get some new slalom and giant slalom ski's. Geertje helped me out with that to, thanx Geertje! I'm totally sure you are going to kick some ass the upcoming season.
I had a little fotoshoot a few weeks ago for TKMST magazine, that's for kids in the last grades of highschool.
Since I'm going to ski Blizzard I used the ski's for the pictures, they are pretty great! I can't publish the pictures here or on Facebook untill october when the magazine is out.
Another exciting thing is that there is going to be an international (adaptive) ski race here in the Netherlands, it will be on the indoor ski slope in Landgraaf.
I know it is kind of strange, a ski race in a total flat country that doesn't see much snow, well except for last winter, but we couldn't deal with that the whole country was a mess, hehe.
My dog Bounty loved it.
The races will be on the 25th and 26th of november, both races will be slalom, of course it's not like there is room for anything else.
These races will be my absolute debut in adaptive ski racing as well, I'm going to do the best I can and I hope for some familiar faces in the public.
That's all for now, will keep you posted.
tuning my ski's
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