….skiing-orthosis! I got my skiing-orthosis last Friday, it’s a perfect fit. It was so weird to stand on one leg while the knee was bended. It’s been four years since I was able to bend my knee while weight bearing without falling down. Strange… and exciting!
I tried skiing on it on saterday. The turn to the left was amazing I was able to put pressure on my ski and my ski wasn’t drifting at all! This is my ‘bad’ turn since my weak leg is the right leg and I’m usually not putting pressure on it so my ski drifts. But the other turn, to the right, was impossible and this is my ‘good’ turn. The knee wouldn’t bend at all, that way my leg was “too long” to be able to carve, I ended up in a plow. The gas spring is too heavy for me right now.
Today I went back to get a lighter gas spring but unfortunately there wasn’t one available that was light enough. He will get the new ones next week just in time for the La Molina training trip which will be a great opportunity to start testing with the lighter gas springs. For the races this weekend I will work with what I know works. I’m using the new skiing-orthosis without a gas spring but with a end point at 85 degrees so my knee won’t bend too far and I will have enough control. I skied this way with my walking orthosis up to now so I know it will work. And with the new skiing-orthosis my leg is a lot better supported since its designed for skiing so I have a lot more control then with the walking orthosis. All though I won’t be able to use the advantages of the gas spring for this races I’m still very happy with this solution. Without the gas spring my right ski is drifting again but less then with the walking orthosis. So I’m still pretty confident about my skiing at this moment and I feel ready to race next weekend. With big thanks to Frank Jol who build and designed the skiing-orthosis.
I had a Jersey shore theme party last week. All though it was a very busy week and I wasn't able to stay long and go all 4 days, I still had a lot of fun with my friends and with dressing up for this party.
with friends
with my sister and brother
I have packed almost all my stuff, prepped my ski’s and bought what I needed. I am ready to go to Austria! So excited.