I have been back
from Sestriere for over a week now but I haven’t been blogging about it because
I have been sick since I got back and the trip turned out to be some kind of a disappointment.
I went to Sestriere for a short trip with my brother, so it was just the 2 of
us no team. I had raced in Sestriere 6 weeks earlier as well and it felt like a
good opportunity to go back there and learn from my earlier mistakes and I did.
On the 27th
I trained GS and I was skiing much much better than 6 weeks earlier, really
charging the course now. Next day was GS race day and I felt confident and way
more relax then I usually do in the start, first run was pretty good, I charged
the course again, did make a big mistake on the middle steep part but recovered
nice after that. The Italian girl that won these races last time was racing
again so I could compare my times, I was out about a third less than last time,
I improved even with that mistake. Second run I charged again and this was my
first completely clean run in a race ever! I was so much faster still behind
Melania but she is nr3 of the world so that’s ok for now, I took a big chunk off my time again.

In the end
results I had cut my race points in half compared to last time I raced here and
I was so happy because with this results I was half way qualifying for the
Europa Cup and the national team. And I was the second fastest girl overall. But
now the disappointment part….
When I first came
back from the hill there was a result list with the race points and the penalty and
I got the result I needed and wanted so I was happy. I went to the price giving
ceremony and it was there that I found out that the penalty for the girls race
was removed, making the results unofficial. Well that was a shock I drove 1150
km to get myself some points and now I found out that I wouldn’t get any points
at all. The problem was this was a national championship and somehow they
allowed people to race without an international license and off course those
girls didn’t count in the international results and after they were removed the
number of competitors on the girls side was less than 5 making this race
unofficial…. Sucks but can’t do anything about it now, would have wanted to
know this upfront because I wouldn’t have come all this way. The organization was
sorry for me so they offered to let my come next year for free, which I really
appreciate, thanks, off course they would have wanted a bigger race on the
girls side to. The men off course didn’t had this problem.

Well the next day was
slalom but unofficial as well. Melania invited me to go out with her that night
and I went and had a lot of fun. The next morning I woke up hot with a sore throat
and some weakness in my good leg, thought it was because I didn’t had enough
sleep but as it turned out I was hit with a bad case of the flu. I went to
slalom race far from feeling good but I wanted to race anyway, race to finish. in the first
run one gate was skied out, but they had let me start before changing the gate, so well I
needed a restart. I started again after the last standing male and because I
wasn’t feeling well I wasn’t skiing full out I skied a bit conservative and
made it in to the finish without any major mistakes but slow. Second run I was feeling
better and I thought this course would suit me better so I tried to attack more
in the second run, which let to me almost DNFing again well probably because my
leg was feeling a bit weak and I couldn’t react as fast as I am used to, but I managed
to stay in although I was standing almost still. After this I skied the bottom part
pretty good and I finished.

Got another
second place. But still no official result in slalom. After that my brother and
I drove home and we arrived back at home at 2.30 am. Big thanks to my brother
who drove almost the whole way because I was too sick to drive, only did 240 km
out of the 1150.
So last weekend I
was being sick sitting on the couch trying to come up with a plan on how to ski
my point limit with only one Giant Slalom and one Slalom race left in this
I was watching the lady’s worldcup
in Ofterschwang and I saw Erin Mielzynski win her First
worldcup without even breaking in to the top 10 before. I have been reading
Erin’s blog (and the blogs of some of the other Canadian girls Like AnnaGoodman, they are really good, check it out!) since the summer of 2010 so I
have read about everything she did to achieve her dream about the disappointments
on the way. And well this win inspired me because if I ski like I did in the
second run of my GS race in Sestriere I can still make it in the last race in
Switzerland and if I don’t well at least I have tried. I know I can do it, keep
faith, I have been growing in my season getting better results in every race.
If you are having
struggles keep going Erin Mielzynski march 4 2012